Thursday, April 30, 2009

missing you

I miss you most when...
the sun shines
the rain pours
the trees change
the grass is green
the snow falls
the flowers bloom

I miss you most on days...
my life seems perfect
my life is crumbling
I fight with my mom
I see my new neices and nephews
I cant find the right words to say
when I watch home videos
When I go to the park

I miss you most...
If I see your pictures
If I hear your name
when the subject get changed if I'm around
when I'm stuck between the right and wrong choice
when I mess up
When I perfect something
when I hear your song

I miss you most...
when I feel like im forgetting you
everytime I remember your never coming back
when I realize I cant call you to talk about nothing or everything

mainly I miss you most
when I wake up in the morning...
and go to bed at night...
and all the time in between..

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